Thursday, March 11, 2010

Introducing, My Thoughts...

Good Day World:

I am starting this blog to allow you a chance to take an occasional trip into my mind...get ready for a wild ride :o)

For those who do not know, I am a native of Atlanta (by way of Decatur) and have been in the South all of my life. I went to Florida A&M University and learned a lot there about handling business both in and out of the classroom. But instead of giving you a boring resume of my life's experiences, let me simply sum it up like this:

I have failed wayyyy more times than I have succeeded.
I have learned that success is a staircase, not a doorway.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.

The rest is all about pursuing your passions. Finding what you like doing and figure out who has been successeful doing that, and GO THAT WAY. You may not end up doing exactly that, but one step in the right direction is sure to lead you to another step going the same way :o)

I hope to inspire someone with my daily blogs, and I feel that sharing your personal stories is the key to understanding perserverance under pressure. By sharing your personal story of things you've been through in your life, you can inspire someone else to keep going or to reach higher. This was my premise behind starting the new movement and website: Please visit and share your personal testimony of success of survival.

Also, please comment on my blog here, and I wish you eternal success.

God's speed.

-"Atlanta's Own" Jimmy Jones


  1. I'm very excited to be working on This is a great social media website that is about to take the internet by storm! Jimmy you are the male version of me when it comes to work. I wish you continued success!

  2. Hi Jimmy! I met you and Keli on a whim, out shopping one day. But even with that, you've given me excellent advice, helped me create some valuable connections, and I so admire your work. You are truly an inspiration! I appreciate your humility and your willingness to help other people be successful. I look forward to following your path of greater successes!
